Blog Moved, Upgraded, Revamped, and Fixed!

WordPressAfter letting fall into disarray with ancient blog software, lack of comments, a horrible UI, and other problems, I’ve finally updated. And, I must say, it’s a lot nicer!

The heart of the upgrade is a move from MovableType 2.64 (MovableType is now at version 3.3) to WordPress 2.0.4. This upgrade brings a host of new features for my ability to publish and also for users of, the world’s exclusive host and premier provider of my bulls***. Most importantly, comments are now open again. No longer hold back your anger, disdain, disgust, and outright horror when you read You can now join the discussion and tell me what you really think.

Overall, the upgrade process was very good. It took a while to learn where everything is and get all my little features configured just right. But the documentation and install steps were all accurate. Let me know what you think! How’s the new UI?

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