Not much interesting content here. Mainly I wanted a YouTube video that was interesting. This one, believe it or not, is a Microsoft ad.
I have been reading Digg daily for quite a while now. I love the site – its got a great set of features, and the content that they raise to your attention seems pretty interesting.
But, I had to stop reading it.
Well, unfortunately, Digg is still making me “two click” through everything. I read digg through an aggregator (Rojo), and I can see the teaser headline, but then have to click TWICE to get to the actual content (once to digg and once to the original article). This annoyance is slow and frustrating.
As it turns out, I’ve got enough other feeds with good content, that I can live without Digg. I’m sure I’ll check it now and then, but I’ve removed it from my subscriptions for now.
I know this is tricky for digg. Its not easy to solve without significantly changing the digg experience. But I’d like the links in their feeds to take me to the origin article – not the digg repost, and thus avoid the double click.
Maybe someone else has a smarter idea?