Class Action Suits only help the Lawyers


“A Suit That Makes More Cents for the Lawyers”
A check for 49 cents arrives in the mail, in settlement of a class action against Bank of America. A staff writer for the L.A. Times starts digging and finds that the lawyers who filed the suit are going to swallow half the $4.2 million settlement. As for residual unclaimed funds, they’re going to a charity, but one the parties are unwilling to name. (Doug Smith, Los Angeles Times, Apr. 11). On the Schwartz v. Citibank class action, filed by the same lawyer (Brian Strange) and involving the same issues.

Schwartz v. Citibank late fee class action
I just received a notice in the mail informing me that, as a member of the class of Citibank and AT&T Universal Card customers, I was eligible for a refund under the terms of a settlement agreement reached in a class action lawsuit. A quick internet search revealed the following (PDF, see last page):

“The Cards business agreed to create a settlement fund of $18 million, most of which will be distributed automatically to cardholders and to make a cash payment of approximately $9 million for attorneys fees and costs.”

My refund check is for $0.18. — Paul Prichard, Moodus, CT

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