MSN Desktop Search now in Beta

As you may have heard by now, MSN Desktop Search has now shipped to beta! This is the product I’ve been working on with a team of great engineers at Microsoft.

I could write a gushing review of the product, but I’m too close to the product to be credible anyway. Perhaps a better way to do it is to quote from another blog (this one is from Sriram Krishnan), but many others are saying similar things as well:

Mr. Krishnan writes:
So what is the answer to the big question – who has the better desktop search product (taking into consideration that both of them are beta products and may change radically) ?

Answer: Microsoft. Totally. MSN Desktop Search takes Google Desktop Search to the cleaners. And here’s why (apart from the major points covered by all those reviews)

Lastly, you can check out the MSN Search Blog for the latest tips & tricks.